A “Preview post” typically means a mock-up or draft of how your post would appear when shared on a platform, including the captions, tags, and the image or video
Step 1: After you have completed writing the post description and have added the media or video, emojis, and tag to the required content.
Step 2: Click on the “Preview” on the right-hand side corner of the portal.
Step 1: Click on the “Post View”
Step 2: Select the social channel from which you want to view the published post..
Step 3: To access the Publish menu, click on the “All” dropdown located on the right-hand side of the interface. A menu will pop down, allowing you to select the Published option and manage your published posts.
Step 4: Select “Published“, then you will view all the published post of the selected social channels.
Step 5: Once you see the green checkmark in the upper right corner of your post, it indicates that the post has been successfully published.
Step 1: Click on the “Post View”
Step 2: Select the social channel from which you want to view the scheduled post.
Step 3: To access the scheduled menu, click on the “All” dropdown located on the right-hand side of the interface. A menu will pop down, allowing you to select the scheduled option and manage your scheduled posts.
Step 4: Select “Scheduled“, then you will view all the scheduled post of the selected social channels.
Step 5 : The yellow clock icon (Scheduled Post Icon) appears when a post is scheduled to be published at a future date and time. It indicates that the post is not yet posted but will be automatically posted at the scheduled time.
Step 1: Click on the “Post View”
Step 2: Select the social channel you want to see the drafted post.
Step 3: To access the draft menu, click on the “All” dropdown located on the right-hand side of the interface. A menu will pop down, allowing you to select the draft option and manage your draft posts.
Step 4: Select “Draft“, then you will view all the drafted post of the selected social channels.
Step 5: The red pencil icon ( Draft Post Icon ) appears when a post is saved as a draft. This means the post is not yet published and can be edited or scheduled for posting later. Draft posts are only visible to the creator or team members.
Step 1: Click on the “Post View”.
Step 2: Select the social channel from which you want to view the failed post.
Step 3: To access the failed menu, click on the “All” dropdown located on the right-hand side of the interface. A menu will pop down, allowing you to select the failed option and manage your draft posts.
Step 4: Select “Failed“, then you will view all the failed posts of the selected social channels.
Step 5: The white exclamation mark inside a red circle appears when a post has failed to upload or publish. It indicates that the post was not successfully submitted,
A warning message will also appear below the post, providing details about the reason for the failure.
Step 1: Click on the “Post View”
Step 2: Select the social channel from which you want to view the all the post.
Step 3: To access all the posts, click on the “All” dropdown located on the right-hand side of the interface.
Step 4: You will see all the scheduled, published, drafted, failed post all at once of the selected social channels.
Step 1: Click on “Post view”
Step 2: Click on the “list”
Step 3: You can see all your posts in the list view.
It includes all the social channels’s post and the scheduled, failed, published, and drafted in the list view.
You can also select the post status menu (located on the right-hand side of the post view portal) and your chosen social channels to view the post in “list” view.
For example: I selected the “Scheduled” option from the post status menu and selected all social channels except Instagram.
Step 1: Click on “Post view”
Step 2: Click on the “Grid”
Step 3: You can see all your posts in the Grid view.
It includes all the social channels’s post and the scheduled, failed, published, and drafted in the Grid view.
You can also select the post status menu (located on the right-hand side of the post view portal) and your chosen social channels to view the post in “Grid” view.
For example: I selected the “Scheduled” option from the post status menu and selected all social channels except Instagram.